
DIY Air Quality Sensor

Building a DIY Air Quality meter on the ESP8266 platform. »

Recently - July

Books and links for July 2021 »

2,000 Days Later

Reflections on 5 years of journaling »

Schedule Your Emails

Five reasons why I schedule most of the emails I send »

Recently - May

Information theory, Ballard, and replicated SQLite »

Building a Raft

Learning Raft by making one. »

Backing up my Google Takeout data

Storing my Takeout backups in S3 Glacier »

Recently - April

The Explore/Exploit cycle, Inadequate Equilibria, and Z3 »

Book Review: Gödel, Escher, Bach

Review of Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid »

Two Types of Infinity

On the uncountability of real numbers. »

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