I’ve been using Scala for the better part of a year, and it’s mostly been an enjoyable experience. Scala fits in a comfortable position in the programming latent space somewhere in between Java, Python, JavaScript, and Rust. However, Scala is definitely a a “big” language – it has lots of language features, supports many programming paradigms, and has a large enough surface area that the likelihood of encountering one (of many) footguns is high.

One pitfall that I’ve seen fairly regularly is in the (mis)use of parameterless methods. In Scala, likely due to its functional programming influence, functions without parameters do not need parenthesis. So, the following call patterns function identically and are both valid:

class Dog {
	def bark() = { println("bark") }

val dog = new Dog()
dog.bark() 	// With parens
dog.bark	// Without parens

By itself, this isn’t a harmful feature. Invoking method functions without parenthesis, in my opinion, introduces a little bit of cognitive load – since you don’t always know if what’s being evaluated is a function, or just a member variable.

What can get you in trouble though is that if one swaps out def for val in the above example, the behavior changes significantly, with just one keyword change.

Take the following example, creating a very basic counter object:

class Counter {
	private var count = 0

	def increment() = {
		count += 1

	val value: Int = {

c = new Counter()
println(c.value) // Prints 0!

In this case, it’s pretty clear what’s going wrong – the val block of value is only evaluated once, when the count is still 0. However, from the call site, this isn’t clear, since c.value could be a member var or val, or could be a parameterless function call (def). In languages that don’t allow function calls without parenthesis, the distinction would be more clear: value() indicates a function call, value indicates a member access.

In a less trivial example, this is more-or-less something that I’ve seen happen multiple times in my current code base. For this example, assume we’re pulling some configuration data from a cache – for instance, whether or not to enable a feature or not. This could be to implement a dynamic kill switch for a particular set of features.

class CacheClient {
    def getValue(key: String) = { ... }

class MyConfiguration {
	val cache = new CacheClient()

	def isFooEnabled: Boolean = {

	// Oops!
	val isBarEnabled: Boolean = {

class BusinessLogic {
	val conf = new MyConfiguration()
    def handleRequest() {
		if (conf.isFooEnabled) {
			// Some code path
      	} else {
			// Another code path

		if (conf.isBarEnabled) {
			// Some code path
		} else {
			// Another code path

The issue above, with isBarEnabled, is that it looks dynamic, in the same way that isFooEnabled actually is dynamic, but it’s not! If the underlying value in the cache changes, isFooEnabled will correctly (dynamically) fetch the value from the cache each time, but isBarEnabled won’t. It just saves the value of cache.getValue("bar") that was returned at initialization, and never re-queries the cache.

From the BusinessLogic code though, you’d never know this, unless you dug in to the implementation of MyConfiguration.

My team owns something that looks pretty similar to the MyConfiguration object, as part of a common library that gets used in most of the services running at my company. Since these methods are, by definition, only used on configuration objects, they aren’t typically unit tested. Additionally, integration tests often fail to catch this sort of issue, since they don’t usually test the value of the configuration changing at runtime.

To solve this particular issue, my team added a wrapper around the dynamic component, and provide a getCurrentValue method to get the value dynamically. This makes it a bit harder to misuse:

class ConfigurationFetcher[T](key: String, default: T) {
	def getCurrentValue(): T = { ... }

class MyConfiguration {
	val fooEnabled: ConfigurationFetcher[Boolean] = ConfigurationFetcher("foo", false)

class BusinessLogic {
	val conf = new MyConfiguration()

	def handleRequest() {
		if(conf.fooEnabled.getCurrentValue()) {
			// Some code path

We also added static compile-time checks to prevent a common misuse:

class MyConfiguration {
	// Disallowed: ConfigurationFetcher is not a class property!
	val fooEnabled = {
		val fetcher = ConfigurationFetcher[Boolean]("foo", false)

Of course, there are still ways of getting around the static checks, such as wrapping the output of getCurrentValue itself in a non-changing val:

class MyConfiguration {
	val fooEnabled: ConfigurationFetcher[Boolean] = ConfigurationFetcher("foo", false)
	val barEnabled: ConfigurationFetcher[Boolean] = ConfigurationFetcher("bar", false)

	// Not caught by static analysis, but won't work as expected!
	val fooOrBarEnabled = fooEnabled.getCurrentValue() || barEnabled.getCurrentValue()

This isn’t really a problem with Scala, rather just one outcome of its flexible nature and terse syntax. Your eye eventually becomes trained to see def and val as importantly different symbols, but even so some of these issues are tricky to spot.