
Chain of Continuous Thoughts

LLMs which use continuous representations for reasoning steps. »

Lake Union's Lonely Trolley: SLU Streetcar Ridership

A look at the low ridership trends of Seattle’s South Lake Union Streetcar. »


Bikeshedding task tracking systems at work »

AI Tools in Mid-2024

A snapshot of the current AI tools I’ve found useful. »

Avoid Load-bearing Shell Scripts

Scripts in a system’s critical path often harm stability »

Soft Boredom

‘Soft boredom’ and relaxing impatience »

Mental Models: Slack

A model for the benefits of a time and mental energy buffer »

The Soul of an Old Machine

On retiring my trusty 2014 MacBook Pro »

Scala Pitfall: Parameterless Function Calls and Misplaced vals

Bugs made possible by Scala’s flexibility and terse syntax »

On Prompt Engineering

Thoughts on the development of prompt engineering in the context of the popularity wave of LLMs. »

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