Blogs and people who I think are doing cool work. Presented in no particular
- Jestem Króliczkiem
- Martin Tournoij
- Of Dollars And Data
- Slime Mold Time Mold
- Charity Majors
- Topics: Tech careers, systems management
- Good starting posts:
- FasterThanLime
- Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk
- Topics: Tech, Finance
- Good starting posts:
- Fred Hevert
- Topics: Erlang, Systems Design
- Good starting posts:
- Overthinking Everything by David MacIver
- Astral Codex Ten (previously
- Matt Rickard
- Topics: Software engineering, programming, etc.
- Good starting posts:
- Interconnected by Matt Webb
- Fogknife by Jason McIntosh
- Topics: Indieweb, politics, gaming, books.
- Good starting posts:
- Jan-Lukas Else
- David Perell
- Tom Critchlow
- Topics: Indie Web, Consulting
- Good starting post:
Library JSON
- Henrik Warne
- James Stanley
- John Battelle
- Tom MacWright
- Topics: Web, Programming
- Good starting posts:
- Robert Heaton
- Tim Kadlec
- Rick Carlino
- Dennis Schubert
- TheNewOil
- Matt Levine
- Topics: Finance, Economics
- Good starting posts:
- Bennett Notes
- Aaron Parecki
- Topics: Indie Web, Quantified Self
Digital Gardens
Standard Disclaimer: Linking to a blog does not mean I agree with everything
the author has written.
(Updated February 13, 2025