: Scroll cursor to center of screenzb
: Scroll cursor to bottom of screen.zt
: Scroll cursor to top of screen.<C-u>
: Scroll up half a page<C-d>
: Scroll down half a page%
: Jump between matching brackets/parenthesis{
/ }
move between paragraphs.gg
/ gG
: Jump to beginning/ending of file.gx
: Open the URL (or file) under the cursorS]
, S)
, S}
: Surround selection with bracket.D
: Delete to end of line.C
: Change to end of line.J
: Join current line with next line.<C-r> {register}
: Paste while in insert mode.<C-o>
: Exit insert mode to perform a single normal-mode action, return to
insert mode.]s
/ [s
: Go to next/previous misspelled word.z=
: Replace misspelled word under cursor.:vsp
- Vertical split:sp
- Horizontal split:tabe
- New tab:only
- Closes all but the current split:tabonly
- Closes all but the current tab:xa
- Save and close all open filesenew
- Opens a new, unnamed buffer. (Useful for making a scratch pad)gd
- Go to function definition.if
- “In function”, “Around function”" Quickly open your vimrc in a new tab
nmap <leader>vimrc :tabe ~/.vimrc<cr>
" Reload your vimrc
nmap <Leader>r :source ~/.vimrc<cr>
" Paste on newline
nmap <Leader>p $p
" Copy full file path to the default register
nmap <Leader>yp :let @" = expand('%:p')<cr>