
Quarantine Notes - Week 13

Week 13 of Lockdown: I guess things are reopening? »

Quarantine Notes - Week 12

Week 12 of lockdown: A sad week. »

Quarantine Notes - Week 11

Week 11 of lockdown: Biscotti, War of the Worlds and vim »

Solving the "Miracle Sudoku" in Prolog

Writing a solver for “Miracle Sudoku” puzzles in Prolog. »

Quarantine Notes - Week 10

Week 10 of lockdown: On Writing Well and feedly-to-sqlite »

Quarantine Notes - Week 9

Week 9 of lockdown: Chernobyl, org-mode, and banana bread. »

Quarantine Notes - Week 8

Week 8 of lockdown: Edward Snowden, too many chickpeas, note taking apps. »

Quarantine Notes - Week 7

Week 7 of lockdown: Shakshuka, more Clojure, and vicarious travel. »

Cancelable Reads in Go

A discussion of the limitations Go’s blocking io.Reader interface. »

Quarantine Notes - Week 6

Week 6 of lockdown: Finding comfort in focaccia and Clojure. »

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